Rx6 45 Caps £36.35 Add to Cart |
Rocket Fuel 90 Caps £23.40 Add to Cart |
RK-500 Xtreme 90 Caps £15.06 Add to Cart |
Lean Xtreme 90 Caps £25.34 Add to Cart |
JetFuel 60 Caps £16.51 Add to Cart |
Hyperdrive Hardcore 60 Caps £28.64 Add to Cart |
Estrodex 90 Caps £17.62 Add to Cart |
Gold Standard 100% Casein Protein 4lb/Banana £59.62 Add to Cart |
Conquest 250 90 Caps £17.62 Add to Cart |
Gold Standard 100% Whey 10lb/Banana £106.88 Add to Cart |
EC-COP 195g £23.13 Add to Cart |
Animal Pak 44 Paks £34.15 Add to Cart |
7 Spray 240ml £48.47 Add to Cart |
Does anyone remember the old East German sporting machine? For a small country the East Germans absolutely dominated world sport at multiple events. No similaraly sized country before or
since has ever come close to emulating the dominant influence which East Germany exerted across sports including Track and Field, Swimming and Weightlifting.
In a twist that surprised everyone East Germany absolutely wiped the floor with their hated West German rivals.
After the collapse of East Germany a number of disturbing secrets came to light surrounding the sports program and the way sportsmen and women had engaged in a systematic program of
performance enhancement which led to the revelation that the designer agent Turinabol was invented by East German sports scientists to give their athletes an untouchable advantage against the
athletes from any other nation.
Turinabol was promptly made illegal and disappaeared from the world scene.
Fusion Supplements introduces its replacement...Halodrol!
Halodrol is a prohormone to the infamous Turinabol that the East Germans used. Like Turinabol, users of Halodrol can expect to benefit from rapid gains in lean muscle mass, with a drop in
water retention and body fat. Impressive gains of strength can be expected. Being a designer engineered substitute to more toxic compounds, Halodrol exerts a relatively benign influence on
overall body health being vastly more anabolic (that is, muscle building) than it is androgenic (meaning its effects on male sexual characteristics are mild) and it has zero estrogenic effect
(meaning it is not going to cause any unfortunate side effects such as bloating or gyno).
Halodrol is the ultimate designer engineered prohormone whose origins in world sport demonstrate its advantage for athletes be it for building lean muscle or boosting strength.