Rx6 45 Caps £36.35 Add to Cart |
Rocket Fuel 90 Caps £23.40 Add to Cart |
RK-500 Xtreme 90 Caps £15.06 Add to Cart |
Lean Xtreme 90 Caps £25.34 Add to Cart |
JetFuel 60 Caps £16.51 Add to Cart |
Hyperdrive Hardcore 60 Caps £28.64 Add to Cart |
Estrodex 90 Caps £17.62 Add to Cart |
Aegis 120 Caps £39.66 Add to Cart |
Whey 81+ 2250g/Chocolate £36.35 Add to Cart |
Life Support 120 Caps £28.64 Add to Cart |
Gold Standard 100% Casein Protein 4lb/Banana £59.62 Add to Cart |
Conquest 250 90 Caps £17.62 Add to Cart |
EC-COP 195g £23.13 Add to Cart |
Animal Pak 44 Paks £34.15 Add to Cart |
RECON is a unique, high-performance POST-WORKOUT REFUEL, REPLENISH, REBUILDING formula. RECON was designed to maximize the most important phase of the athlete´s total training program - the post-workout phase, what those in our game call the "anabolic window". RECON was designed to provide hard training athletes with everything necessary to nourish recovery and growth from all angles. Every facet of reconstruction nutrition is accounted for in this, the most comprehensive recovery formulation. There is nothing like Muscle Pharm´s RECON.
The brutal truth is, the harder you push your body, the better your results will be, given the proper tools to fuel recovery and growth. Your training program is only as good as your post-workout protocol. RECON Reconstruction Matrix leaves no stone unturned in the name of recovery and growth.
RECON allows hard working athletes to push harder, and recover quicker from the rigors of high-intensity training by supporting the body´s internal environment.