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Q: What is Xtend?
A: Xtend is the ultimate, sugar-free, BCAA-containing drink mix to be consumed during exercise (intra-workout). Whether you´re a physique athlete, strongman, powerlifter,
traditional athlete (e.g., football, basketball, baseball, soccer, etc), endurance competitor, or just looking to significantly change your body composition through resistance training and
nutrition, Xtend is ideally formulated to maximize training intensity and support your goals.* Xtend was the first and has become the most well-recognized and used intra-workout catalyst
product because it not only works... but it tastes great too! Xtend contains an incredible:
* 7000 mg of BCAAs in an ideal 2:1:1 ratio of Leucine:Isoleucine:Valine
* 3500 mg of Leucine
* 2500 mg of Glutamine
* 1000 mg of Citrulline Malate
* 1171 mg of Electrolytes
* 640 mcg of Vitamin B6
* And, ZERO Carbohydrates or Sugar
Xtend was recently reformulated to dramatically improve taste and ingredient solubility - Xtend is now spoon-mixible - and to provide added functionality for workouts or events
under the most grueling of conditions. Xtend is available in 6 mouth-watering, refreshing fruit flavors to make every workout an incredible one.
Q: Who should use Xtend?
A: Xtend was designed to be used effectively by anyone, male or female, who want to perform at their best - from serious athletes to anyone that´s just serious about
performance or changing their physique. Though ideal for strength or bodybuilding training, or for persons on a reduced carbohydrate diet, Xtend can also be used very effectively in a
"bulking phase" or by endurance athletes during training and competition. That is, Xtend works whether it´s used as formulated and indicated, or whether you choose to combine Xtend with
supplemental carbohydrates based upon performance needs and duration.
Q: When´s the best time to consume Xtend?
A: Two university studies suggest that Xtend is significantly effective at increasing muscle mass and strength, and reducing body fat when consumed during exercise or
immediately prior to and after training.* It´s recommended that you begin consuming Xtend immediately prior to, and continue sipping on Xtend throughout your training or competition. Many
users also report significantly improved gains when Xtend is consumed immediately upon waking-up in the morning and/or sipping on Xtend throughout the day.
Q: How much Xtend should I consume for it to be most effective?
A: For best mixing results and taste, pour 8 fluid ounces of filtered water into a shaker cup. Add 1 scoop of Xtend. Cover or close the shaker cup. Swirl the shaker to create a
vortex effect and draw the Xtend powder into solution. Then, once the Xtend powder has fallen into solution, shake vigorously for about 25 shakes. Enjoy! For endurance athletes that may add
Xtend to their hydration pack, it is recommended that Xtend be mixed in a shaker cup or pitcher and then poured into the hydration pack (as opposed to mixing directly within the hydration
pack, as doing so may cause the hydration tubing to become blocked). NOTE: If you find that some of the BCAA material settles at the bottom of the shaker cup, you may not have used the
correct dilution ratio of 1 scoop of Xtend per 8 fluid ounce of water.
Up to 200 lbs Over 200 lbs Up to 125
lbs Over 125 lbs
2-3 Scoops per day 3-4 Scoops per day 1-2 Scoops per day 1-3 Scoops per day
Other results you can expect from using Xtend include:
* Increased Exercise Training Volume (More Volume/More Total Work = Greater Adaptation or More Muscle)*
* Increased Muscle Protein Synthesis*
* Reduced Muscle Protein Breakdown*
* Increased Muscular Endurance*
* Increased Energy & Endurance Capacity*
* Improved Blood Glucose Disposal & Insulin Response*
* Increased Power Output*
* Increased ATP Synthesis/Resynthesis*
* Increased Nitric Oxide (NO)*
* Delayed Onset of Muscle Fatigue/Increased Time to Exhaustion*
* Improved Neuromuscular Responsiveness & Recovery*
* Improved Hydration*
Q: How fast will I see results from using Xtend?
A: Most Xtend users report an immediate, acute response during training. Variables such as training volume, reduced fatigue, and increased muscular endurance and power output
are common to first-time Xtend users.* For body composition and strength changes, Xtend studies support significant improvements in as little as 8 weeks.*
Q: Is Xtend safe?
A: Not only do each of the individual ingredients used in Xtend have an incredibly high dosing threshold of safety and many years of validated clinical trials to support safety
across a wide range of consumers, but Xtend did not adversely affect any measures of safety in either of the two clinical studies in which it was used chronically and at high doses for up to
10 weeks. Additionally, each batch of Xtend undergoes rigorous quality assurance and analytical testing to validate ingredient purity and potency, and is blended and packaged in an NSF for
Sport® certified facility to ensure no banned substances are inadvertently introduced into the manufacturing process while producing Xtend.
Q: How does Xtend work?
A: Xtend is formulated with a precise PentActive blend of key ingredients, synergistically involved in cellular processes to optimize muscle performance and
* Stage 1: 7000 mg of BCAAs, in a 2:1:1 ratio of Leucine:Isoleucine:Valine is used to provide metabolic energy while you train, as well as to stimulate
muscle protein synthesis.*
* Stage 2: 2500 mg of Glutamine is used to increase extracellular concentrations of Glutamine, which helps to promote muscle intracellular BCAA metabolism
down the correct energy and protein synthesis pathways via the BCAA aminotransferase enzyme.*
* Stage 3: 640 mcg of Vitamin B6 serves as the rate-limiting cofactor involved in optimal BCAA aminotransferase reactions.*
* Stage 4: 1000 mg of Citrulline Malate can help support rapid ATP turnover and lactate reabsorption to support higher training volumes at a given exercise
intensity.* Citrulline also serves as a secondary signal to stimulate muscle protein synthesis, most likely arising from its ability to promote increased blood flow via increase nitric oxide
(NO) and/or improving the energy state of a cell by promoting lactate reabsorption.*
* Stage 5: 1171 mg of an extensively studied Electrolyte blend, consisting of Trisodium Citrate Dihydrate, Potassium Chloride, and Sodium Chloride, help to
optimize muscle contractile function and promote cell hydration under the most brutal of conditions.*
Q: How does Xtend compare to other products?
A: In both 8-week & 10-week clinical trials, under no or weight-reducing calorie restricted diets, respectively, Xtend has significantly outperformed Whey Protein,
Carbohydrates and a 4:1 (Carb-to-Protein) sports beverage on measures of lean body mass, body fat, upper- and lower-body muscular endurance, and upper- and lower-body strength.* Within the
physique and anaerobic sports nutrition industry, competitive products are either under-dosed, contain irrelevant ingredients included more for a label effect than a physiological one, or are
so ignorantly formulated as to wonder what species´ metabolism the company´s R&D personnel believes to be their core audience. During exercise beverages for the endurance world, on the
other hand, still depend too heavily on simple carbohydrates or, when amino acids are included, generally use low doses of a whey protein concentrate that yield only a fraction of the key
amino acids and introduce unnecessary lactose and fat into a high-performance environment.
Q: Are there any other products that will help improve the results I achieve when using Xtend?
A: Xtend was formulated, and then recently reformulated to remove the need for additional ingredients while you train or compete. However, Xtend was explicitly formulated to
contain no carbohydrates or sugar so that you could dictate how you may want to manipulate your carbohydrate needs based upon your training cycle or duration. Therefore, when carbohydrates
are desired, combine Xtend with up to 0.45 g of carbohydrate per pound of bodyweight, per hour of exercise. When carbohydrates are added, increase the amount of water used per serving so that
the finished formula concentration is easily digestible during exercise.